
2 Chosen Names


Expert Insights

This is a business to business conference company bringing together businesses by category across all elements of the value chain. It will do this for various categories, e.g. finance, oil & gas, retail etc. For finance it would have a conference with banks, IT systems, analysts, government etc from all over the world. What it gives the attendee is a global 360 degree view of their business environment and the insights to stay a step ahead. Also, contacts to help with their goals.


Chimera Instruments

We make scientific instrumentation to monitor production of pharmaceuticals and foods in real-time. Allows safer drugs, increased manufacturing yields and less troubles from the FDA. System is mPAT (multiplexed process automation technology) - a novel microscope system that simultaneously sees in different wavelength bands to identify physical/chemical characteristics of powders, liquids, crystals. Proprietary algorithms and machine learning convert the raw data into process intelligence.