Hello Internet! We are looking for a new name for our film & art festival.

We organize a yearly 3-days-festival in Zurich (Switzerland), held since 2012, with one-night events during the year. The festival sets a focus on sexual content in film and art. We show emancipated, subversive, humorous, sensual, sex-positive and queer films and live performances and thus set a counterpoint to mainstream pornography and prudery. Often we offer a unique opportunity to see these films and performances. With our festival we want to celebrate all kinds of sexual kinkiness in a sensual, yet sincere way.

So far our festival was called PORNY DAYS, which was our way of combining "horny" (our sex-positive attitude towards the topic) and explicit imagery. It was an attempt to reclaim pornography in a positive, emacipated and playful way. The name worked well beacuse we could label our events such as: "Porny Party", "Porny Brunch", "Porny Panels" and the "Days" set a timeframe for our event. But the downside was that the association to (mainstream) pornography was prevalent. Mostly our finaciers and partially filmmakers hesitated to contribute to the festival.

Our festival is a non-profit-organization and that's why we depend on private investors and companies.


Zurich After Dark

by Namy